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AFC Clubhouse Work Party, 10AM Start
AFC Clubhouse 30540 Approach Drive, Abbotsford, BCClubhouse cleanup work party starting at 10AM.
General Meeting @ 7:30 via Zoom
Zoom Online MeetingJoin code https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82355157631?pwd=UXNBNUJhQnNabEFITEIrV2syOGMvQT09
Mother’s Day / Cinco De Mayo combo TGIF
AFC Clubhouse 30540 Approach Drive, Abbotsford, BCBring the Mother's in your life, dinner and your best Mexican attire for an evening of fun for the whole family.
TGIF Social 5:30-9pm
AFC Lounge 30540 Approach Drive, Abbotsford, BCEverybody welcome. Bring your dinner and your spouse for an evening of conversation, pool, darts, etc.
TGIF Social 5:30-9pm
AFC Clubhouse 30540 Approach Drive, Abbotsford, BCEverybody welcome. Bring your spouse and dinner for an evening of conversation, pool and darts etc.
AFC Work Party (Clubhouse exterior, grounds and Hangars cleanup)
AFC Clubhouse and Patio 30540 Approach Drive, Abbotsford, BCTGIF Social 5:30-9pm
Everybody welcome. Bring your spouse, significant other, dinner, pool cue for an evening of conversation.
General Meeting
This will be a Zoom meeting.