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AFC Third Aircraft Committee
2016-03-29 @ 17:30 - 23:55
To All AFC Members
The first meeting to discuss The Third Aircraft will be at 5.30pm on Tuesday March 29th. All Members are invited to participate. The purposes of this meeting are:
To identify a core group of Members that can commit to sustained participation in the process; to settle on a Chair; to agree when to meet, and to consider how to satisfy the Brief.
The overall Brief for the Committee is to make recommendations to the Board and to the Membership regarding :
Do we need a third aircraft?
Do we want a third aircraft?
If we want or need a third aircraft, what should it be?
The Committee will need to look at how these questions can be broken down into combinations or series of smaller questions, establish criteria and metrics for how to answer each question, gather data, answer all the sub-questions, collate the sub-answers using appropriate weighting to arrive at recommendations in response to the main questions. Some aspects of this will need to be sequential, but others might run in parallel. Committee participants will need to be willing to undertake individually assigned research as homework between discussions.
Click here to go to the discussion page on this topic where opinions can be shared. Meeting notes will also be posted to the discussion page.
Thank you. I think this will be a positive exercise.
Please RSVP below so we know who is coming and can plan for pizza.
Steve Stewart
Hello Friends When millions of people own their own A/C there should be no reason that our AFC club with over 100 members that joined to support aviation can not have at least 3 A/C. Having said that, I also think that we should not even consider buying a 3rd A/C if we are not willing to keep up the two A/C that we already have. This brings me to the concern that many if us have; we had a major A/C requirement review just a couple of years ago when it was decided to install a GTN 750 into IUK, this was so that we would have one actual IFR A/C, as it turns out the data base is not being kept current – all over a $650/yr subscription fee. The current system makes it very impractical for an IFR flight be it training or otherwise when the pilot never knows whether or not the data base is current. Furthermore any statistics regarding potential IFR/AC usage are unrealistic under these conditions. This also results in unnecessary reservation cancelations when the pilot files, gets into the A/C ready to go only to find out that the data base is not up to date as is required. So in my option if we cannot afford to spend 650 /yr to keep the A/C up to standard then we should not even be discussing a 3rd A/C. I am sure that we can accomplish both if we try to accommodate our diversity in A/C. Sincerely. Please excuse spelling errors
I’ll be there
I will be there
Planning to attend. Bevan
i’ll be there
I should be there.
Pizza? I’m in!
Wien Campbell and Devin Campbell will both be there
Should read Ken Campbell and Devin Campbell
I will be there.
Adrian Renkers will be there. (Sent by MarkT on his behalf).
I plan to be there. I agree with Keith that we need data of aircraft usage and maintenance costs and suggest that we have data available for 2013, 2014 and 2015. The discussion and decisions should be based on facts and not on emotions.
I’ll be there and hope to eat a wedge of pizza.
I’ll be there.
Hopefully I can make the meeting on time if I am not working. The members decided a long time ago that we were athree aircraft club . The director should not have sold our airplane without replacing it right away. I say we get another 172 with 180 hp . The framework for the meeting is ridiculous . I am sure that was just put in there as a joke
I’ll be there.
I’m in
Will be there
I will be attending thanks wh
I’ll be there.
I’ll be there.
I’ll be there and will have some pizza.
5:30 meeting? I get a little cranky around dinner time without food.