General Meeting
AFC Meeting Room 30540 Approach Drive, Abbotsford, BCPRESENTATION: Test‐Flying Concorde Presenter: Peter Duffy Affiliation: ex British Airways
PRESENTATION: Test‐Flying Concorde Presenter: Peter Duffy Affiliation: ex British Airways
This is the first general meeting of the BC General Aviation Association (BCGA), graciously hosted by the Abbotsford Flying Club. Please join us as we hear from members about issues that matter to them as we continue to form an organization by pilots for pilots. Schedule below: Social Hour from 1730 – 1830 Meeting will […]
PRESENTATION: Comets and Concordes Presenter: Peter Duffey Affiliation: ex British Airways
Dinner will be served at 18:30 - please don't be late! Please RSVP in the comments section, below, so that Bob can plan for numbers. Thanks! George
PRESENTATION: Minimum Seat Pitch Presenter: Piere Bergeron Affiliation: Air Transat Survival Presenter: Paul Monchamp Affiliation: Casara
PRESENTATION: Weather Presenter: Johanna Wagstaffe Affiliation: CBC
There will be an information meeting Wednesday June 7th at 7.30pm for Members interested in serving as Directors. This could mean that you are interested in being nominated this year, or at some time in the future. No-one will be asked to make any commitments at this meeting. We will review the Nomination process as […]