AFC Board Meeting
AFC Meeting Room 30540 Approach Drive, Abbotsford, BCAFC Board Meeting
AFC Board Meeting
AFC Constitution and Bylaw Discussion
AFC Board Meeting
AFC Extraordinary General Meeting - to vote on proposed amendments to the AFC Constitution and Bylaws
BC Ninety Nines AGM Registration: Friday, September 21st starting at 1500 hours AGM: Saturday, September 22nd, starting at 0900 hours 1730 hours - dinner and drinks 1830 hours - guest speaker
Abbotsford International Airshow Annual General Meeting
Hi there, December has come quickly, and I'm looking for help planning out our year of Social Events. If you'd like to participate, please come to the club anytime between 6PM to 8 PM on Monday. I would like to document our social events so that we can enable opportunities for club members. If we […]
General Meeting 19:30
Board Meeting 18:30